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A rare, progressive disease in which the main arteries supplying the brain with blood (the internal carotid arteries and intracranial branches) narrow and collateral vessels called “moyamoya vessels” develop. Patients are at increased risk for stroke. Currently, the main form of treatment is surgical revascularization which cannot pause or reverse the narrowing, but can help to improve blood flow to the brain by directing it thorough a different route. The name “moyamoya” comes from the Japanese term for “something hazy like a puff of smoke” given the hazy appearance of the arteries when it was first observed on cerebral angiography.
Disclaimer: "The moyamoya resources provided below are for informational purposes only and do not constitute any specific recommendations. It is advisable to conduct thorough research, ask questions, and seek second opinions as needed before making any medical decisions based on information provided to you."
To provide free air transportation to qualified patients and their families by arranging flights to distant medical facilities, delivering supplies to disaster areas, and reuniting families during desperate times.
Moyamoya Foundation Co is a qualified 501(c)(3) charitable non-profit foundation.
Disclaimer: "We are not medical professionals, and this website is not intended to provide medical advice. Its content is for informational purposes only. Always consult with your physician or other qualified healthcare professional regarding any medical concerns or conditions, and refrain from making medical decisions solely based on information obtained from this website.".
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